After a comparatively brief illness, at his home in Talladega, Ala., President Thomas S. Plowman of the Bankhead Highway Association succumbed to pneumonia, July 28.
Mr Plowman was a lifelong friend of Senator John H. Bankhead, the two having participated in the Civil War in the same Alabama regiment. When came the suggestion to create a great transcontinental highway in honor of the senior Senator from Alabama, Mr. Plowman was unanimously chosen to head the association which would undertake the work.
Participated in All Meets
Despite his seventy odd years, Mr. Plowman participated in several of the pathfinding trips, each day accepting the hardships of the journey, making his share of the addresses, and night after night attending the round of speech-making functions. It was his hope that he would live to see the completion of the great road and in company with his friend of boyhood days make the journey from coast to coast over an uninterrupted mileage of improved highways.
Mr Plowman was an unusual man, of a most lovable nature, and continually adding to his friendships wherever he went. Of sterling integrity, he left behind no unfilled promises, besides which he had a keen sense of justice and never knowingly did an injury to any man. In the true sense he met the exact definition of a Southern gentleman. In his passing the good roads movement in the South lost a real friend and one who was never too busy to give thought and energy to the subject in which he was so completely concerned.